Module "slider-hero-banner" i
will contain list of editorial article tile modules
Custom classes to handle module
Overrides default margin top. Value must be specified in pixels, without px word, only numbers eg. "30"
Overrides default margin bottom. Value must be specified in pixels, without px word, only numbers eg. "30"
Travis Davis from Bee Rock Outdoor Adventures breaks down his burning desire for land management in the great state of Missouri. He discusses all of the work and strategy that goes into managing such a large tract of land and how to be successful time and time again. He breaks down what drives him and why he is so passionate about what he does. 50 food plots, 76 hunt locations and over 8,500 acres of southern Missouri’s rockiest, thickest and steepest terrain give Travis a full run for his money. Watch as his strategies prove to be successful as a few of his clients harvest some giant Southern Missouri whitetails.